Springtime and Grand Designs
What a beautiful day! We have taken full advantage of the weather and our fantastic outdoor space. The children have spent a fun filled morning exploring the outdoors. We even managed to see signs of spring.
Park Hill Pre-School grand designs building team have been very busy building modern houses for their small world community. The children are developing imaginative skills and creativity as well as having lots of fun!
Spring is in the air at Park Hill Pre-school! The children have been looking at daffodils. We discussed when they grow and the colours we could see. We have been challenging their ability to look at the finer details of everyday objects in their environment. The children have learnt to really focus on their painting, slowing the process down and practising their listening and attention skills.
We are ready for Spring in Pre-School. This week we are discussing changes. What is spring? How can we tell spring is coming?
We are also looking and learning about growth. Where do we get our fruit and vegetables from and how they grow.
In our water area we are looking at growth in a different way, we have the life cycle of a frog.