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St Joseph's Park Hill School

St Joseph's

Park Hill School and Pre-school

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Fees 2024/2025

Key Stage 1 and 2                

                             Annual Fees                                £8457.75*

                             Termly Payment                         £2819.25*

                             Monthly Payment                        £704.82*

Payment Methods

Termly – Payment is due by the end of the first week of the term.


Monthly – The majority of our parents choose to pay monthly by Standing Order.  Fees for the year are paid over twelve months, commencing in August.


It may be possible to make alternative arrangements for paying fees. This must be discussed with the School Business Manager in advance.


We are a now a cashless business and all fees must be paid directly into the school bank account.


*These costs are exclusive of any VAT that may become payable during the academic year 2024 / 2025.

Pre-school Fees 

Day rate                                             8:30 until 3:30pm                      £49 /day

Morning rate                                     8:30 until 12:30pm                     £29 /day

Afternoon rate (no lunch option)  12:30pm until 3:30pm         £26/day


All children from the term after they turn 3 until they start reception class are entitled to the Nursery Education Grant.  The extended 15 hours are also available to eligible parents.

Funded hours may be redeemed between 9am – 3pm each day.

Times outside of the funded hours will be charged at: £4.75 per half hour 8:30am – 9am and 3pm – 3:30pm


Morning Club and After School Club       (invoiced monthly)

Mornings  (7.30am – 8.30 am)                                    £5.35 per session

Mornings  (8.00am – 8.30 am)                                    £4.25 per session 


Afternoons to 4.30 pm                                                 £5.35 per session 

Afternoons to 5.30 pm                                                 £10.70 per session

Afternoons 1 hour                                                          £5.35 per hour


Pre-school fees and Morning and After School Club fees are exempt from VAT.