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St Joseph's Park Hill School

St Joseph's

Park Hill School and Pre-school

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Pupil Blog

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  • 05/12/22

    Football ⚽

    Hi, and welcome back to my blog. It has been a busy two weeks and I’m here to tell you all about it. The topic this week is Football.  
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  • 21/11/22

    Anti-bullying Week

    Hello and welcome back to my blog for this fortnight.
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  • 10/10/22

    Seeds and Gardeners

    Hello and welcome back to my last entry of this term! It's gone by so fast; I guess time flies when you're having fun. It has been an eventful few weeks with lots going on around school.
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  • 26/09/22

    Forest School

    Hello, welcome back to my blog, I’m here to fill you in on the gaps during school life.
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  • 15/09/22

    A New School Year

    Hello and welcome to my first-ever blog! I'm Yusuf, your average Year 6 pupil, If average means cool and awesome (as well as hard-working).
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  • 28/01/22

    Happy New Year!

    Hello and welcome to my first blog of 2022! We are over halfway through the half term with only 2 weeks left until the holidays!  We have been doing lots of things and everyone from reception to year 6 have been having lots of fun!
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  • 06/12/21

    What I've Been Up To

    Hi everyone! And welcome to my blog! These past 2 weeks that we have been in school have been really fun.
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  • 04/10/21

    A New Year

    Hi everyone and welcome to my first blog of the new school year.
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  • 28/06/21

    Blog 4!

    Hi! Welcome to my 4th blog entry. This week, I am going to tell you all about our virtual visit from a top author and our fun-filled drama lessons.
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  • 08/06/21

    Fatima's Third Blog

    Hi. Welcome to my third blog entry. This week I am going to tell you all about the very interesting R.E lessons we have had for World Religion Week. Although we are a Roman Catholic school, we are a family of many different faiths. We learn about each faith so we can build respect for each others...
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  • 10/05/21

    Fatima's Second Blog

    Hi!  Welcome to my second blog entry. This week I am going to tell you about the interesting story we learned about for English and all about the micro bit work that we have been trying in computing.  
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