School News
- 01/03/21
- 25/02/21
Level 3 Bikeability Achievers
Our very first Year 6 pupils to achieve their level 3 bikeability award. Fantastic achievement guys!! You should be very proud of yourselves.Read Full Story - 11/01/21
- 17/12/20
Shoe Box Appeal for the Elderly
We took 20 full shoe boxes and 10 bags crammed full of gifts for the elderly down to Charter House today (Thursday 17th December). We felt so proud of our school for donating so kindly and they were very much greatly received and will be appreciated this Christmas. So a big THANK YOU...Read Full Story - 17/12/20
- 17/12/20
Christmas Raffle - PTA
Thank you for your generous donations for our raffle. The hampers looked amazing thanks to Mrs Forbes and her creative talents. We cannot thank you all enough for your generosity. The raffle raised £966 for PTA funds – that is the most I can remember and it’s amaz...Read Full Story - 14/12/20
- 08/12/20
- 08/12/20
- 01/12/20
- 01/12/20