Football Friendly

On Wednesday 3rd October our Year 5/6 Football Team played against St Mary Magdelene's. It was a very good game started off with a cracking goal for Alistair just a minute in.
The whole team played really well together working as a team looking for space, passing to our team mates and finishing with some excellent goals. Our strikers did an amazing job of scoring a whole 10 goals past the keeper. Jonah scored 4 goals, Luke scored 4 goals and Alistair scored 1 goal. Noah, who stepped up to the plate of being goalkeeper, managed to keep a clean sheet saving many goals from the opposition. It was a fair game which was played well by both teams, but we came out on top.
The teachers were all very impressed with our game play and how well we worked together always looking for good opportunities. Mrs Robinson even said it was the best performance of football she’d seen in a while (including watching England in the world cup).
Well done to all the team, you all played exceptionally well. Let’s have a repeat performance for our CVL tournament next week.
Thanks again to all the parents who were cheering us on on the side lines.